
Showing posts from September, 2016

Shifted Out Of My Seat!

I'd like to start this post by saying a sarcastic thank-you to the old guy who I had the displeasure of meeting in a shopping store on Friday, without our encounter I wouldn't have thought of blogging about this particular subject.Your rather rude manner has given me an opportunity to discuss a topic that can be quite an issue for many others in my position. So thanks again Mr Judgmental, I guess I owe you a high 5! Also, before I carry on I want to state that I'm not tarring all older people with the same brush, or meaning to cause offence to them or anyone else. I just wanted to do a post that shows how younger people with disabilities (especially hidden ones) get treated by certain members of the elderly. This particular situation happened while I was in the supermarket with my mother & as I always do when out shopping, I'd taken myself off for a sit down due to pain & tiredness caused by my health problems. Normally I'd stay there around 10 or 15 minut

Holding Back On Facebook. . .

I thought it might be a good idea to talk about Facebook & why I've decided to think about how much I'm telling people before posting. When I am in pain or suffering due to my health I tend to take to Facebook to vent and express my annoyance, this is mainly because when I'm in that frame of mind I think it's unfair that I should keep quiet about my sufferings while others are happily enjoying their lives pain free. But, lately I've become aware of how this could be coming across, I don't want to be seen as an attention seeking moaning minnie! As that's what I sometimes think when I see people constantly discussing their troubles on social media. I'm more than certain that I'll still be updating my status with a moan every so often, or sharing something that relates to my issues, but I'm becoming aware of the difference between sharing and over sharing! There's also another reason for my decision to hold back on Facebook though.. When s