
Showing posts from May, 2017

A Never Ending List..

Last week I had a follow up appointment with my Cardiologist, he told me that the results of my Tilt Table Test showed that I do, in fact have P.O.T.S. Which stands for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. It means that there is a drop in the supply of blood returning to the heart & brain after a small amount of activity, such as being on your feet for a few minutes. The symptoms for me consist of dizziness, sweating, & palpitations, which I have been experiencing for a while now and it was that which led the Doctor to test for P.O.T.S. He told me before the results came back that it was likely I did have the condition, based on my symptoms & the fact that I also have Marfan Syndrome, which is something that often goes alongside other health problems, such as P.O.T.S, so it wasn't a complete shock to recieve the diagnosis as I was sort of expecting it, but I hadn't prepared myself for how I would feel once I'd been given it. I felt overwhelmed as I left th